Garden Package Pricing

We are the One Stop Shop to get you Growing

[raised bed garden package]

wood frame made with Florida Prime No. 1 wood
rich soil blend
organic fertilizer
choice of in-season vegetable and herb starter plants planted (organically grown by us from seed or cutting)
bamboo trellises (for vining plants like tomatoes, cucumber, pole beans, etc)
plant identification tags
written guide (‘Intro to Growing your own Food‘)
optional automated irrigation system (additional fee)

Below are the prices for the different options of Grow Garden Packages.  Payment accepted in cash, check, credit card, venmo.

To schedule a consultation or installation, email Ian Wolinsky

Raised Bed Garden Packages (with planting)

Standard Beds (7-9” high)

2’x5’…………………………..$ 400
3′ x 7’…………………………$ 600
3′ x 9’…………………………$ 750
4′ x 8’…………………………$ 775


Extra High Beds (36” raised off the ground) high)

2’x5′ (extra high)………..$750
3’x 7′(extra high)………..$1000
3′ x 9′(extra high)………..$ 1275
4′ x 8′(extra high)………..$ 1325


Reclaimed Greenheart Raised Bed Garden Packages (without planting)

For those interested in doing the planting themselves or would like the garden bed installed  with soil and fertilizer, we now offer the option of us installing garden beds without planting them. If interested, plants, seeds, mulch and bamboo for trellises can be purchased separately.

Standard Beds (7-9” high)

2’x5’…………………………..$ 300
3′ x 7’…………………………$ 475
3′ x 9’…………………………$ 600
4′ x 8’…………………………$ 625


Extra High Beds (36’ high)

2’x5′ (extra high)………..$650
3’x 7′(extra high)………..$875
3′ x 9′(extra high)………..$ 1125
4′ x 8′(extra high)………..$ 1175

Garden Package Pickup Option (bed, soil and organic fertilizer picked up by appointment from our nursery)

For those interested in our raised bed garden packages but would like to install and plant yourself, we now offer our standard garden packages available for pickup by appointment from our nursery with the bed, soil and organic fertilizer).  Plants, seeds, mulch and bamboo for trellises can be purchased separately. For this option customers would need to bring a vehicle large enough to fit the bed and soil, generally a pickup truck, large van or SUV. Depending on the vehicle size, multiple trips may be needed.

Standard Beds (7-9” high)

2’x5’…………………………..$ 175
3′ x 7’…………………………$ 325
3′ x 9’…………………………$ 425
4′ x 8’…………………………$ 450


If interested, email  .

Mini Farm Pricing

4’x10′ area (3’x9′ bed)…………………………..$ 375
7.5’x10′ area (two 2.5’x9′ beds)………………$650
7.5’x15′ area (two 2.5’x14′ beds)……………..$ 875
11.5′ x 15′ area (three 2.5’x14′ beds)………..$ 1250
11.5’x20′ area (three 2.5’x19′ beds)…………$1575
15’x20′ area (four 2.5’x19′ beds)…………….$2000
15’x25′ area (four 2.5’x24′ beds)…………… $2325

Plants: Small pots (4”) - $3.75 Six Packs (smaller) - $7.5 each (4-6 per pack) Plugs (smallest) -

$5/row (3-6 per row)

1 gallon pots - $8.75 (except fruit trees) Fruit trees (see/ask for fruit tree price list) Assorted Products:

Soil Mix - $12.5/medium pot (15gal)

$22.5/large pot (25gal)
Perlite  $5. (Bag)

Mulch - $10/medium pot (15 gal), $20/large pot (25 gal) Recycled Mix- $10/medium pot

(15gal), $20/large pot (25 gal)

 Organic Fertilizer Mix (4-0-5, custom blend w/kelp, azomite, & crab shell) - $12.5/bag

Alaska Organic Fish Fertilizer (quart) - $17.5 Alaska Organic Fish Fertilizer (gallon)

Neptune’s Harvest Organic Fish Seaweed Fertilizer (pint) - $12.

Neptune’s Harvest Organic Fish Seaweed Fertilizer (quart) - $17.5

Neptune’s Harvest Organic Fish Seaweed Fertilizer (gallon) - $20

Safer Organic Insect Killing Soap (concentrate) - $17.5 String - $3.5/roll Bamboo - $1/stake (6’

Neem Oil Concentrate (2.0z) $5.

Neem Oil Concentrate 100% (4oz) $10

Neem Oil Concentrate 100% (8oz) $15

Bt Bascillus Thuraxin Bug Killer Organic (4oz) $10.

BT Bascillius Thuraxin Bug Killer Organic (8oz) $15.Type your paragraph here.

"Grow , Cook and Eat Your Own Organic  Food"

​​​​​The Gourmet gardeners